The Illusion of Political Promises

 As the election draws near, the political campaign has taken a firm hold on the collective consciousness of the public. However, beneath the glossy veneer of promises and lofty speeches, lies a harsh reality that we must confront. It is an unfortunate truth that political parties have mastered the art of misleading the public, consistently failing to deliver on their empty pledges. 


      The media plays a dubious role as well, reporting selectively to favor their preferred parties. Furthermore, the allure of free schemes, such as free ration, has ensnared the common man, rendering them paralyzed and dependent.

     In this age of information, the media is bestowed with the responsibility of being the watchdog, the purveyor of truth. Yet, it appears that they have abandoned their sacred duty in favor of sensationalism and partiality. Instead of providing objective analyses, they choose to amplify the voices of their favored parties, conveniently turning a blind eye to their shortcomings. This biased reporting does a disservice to the public, obscuring the reality and leaving them ill-informed.

     Political parties, like chameleons, assume vibrant hues during the campaign season, captivating the public with their persuasive rhetoric and promises of a better tomorrow. However, once the dust settles and the votes are counted, these promises fade aways. The very foundations of democracy are undermined when politicians make empty pledges they have no intention of fulfilling. This betrayal  attitudes  break the trust of the electorate, leaving them disillusioned and confused.

The Paralysis of Free Schemes: the political parties are crafty intentions that  the distribution of free schemes, such as free ration, make public miserable and stagnate their progress, while these schemes may initially appear as a benevolent gesture, they trap the public in a cycle of dependence. The illusion of freebies blinds the electorate to the larger issues at hand, diverting their attention from the lack of substantial progress and development. The long-term consequences of such dependency are far-reaching, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and stagnation.

    As we stand on the precipice of yet another election, it is crucial that we critically examine the actions and intentions of political parties. The media, as the fourth pillar of democracy, must reclaim its integrity and present unbiased information for the public's scrutiny. Equally important is the responsibility of citizens to see through the smoke and mirrors of empty promises. Only by holding politicians accountable and demanding transparency can we break free from the shackles of deception and build a society based on trust, progress, and genuine change. 


    Let us not succumb to the allure of false hope, but instead, pave the way for a future that is truly deserving of our aspirations.

Samuel Navkar

Freelance Journalist


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