MOVING HOUSE: Migrant Landless Katkari

  Chronological index shows that Katkari tribes are aborigines of India.  Following the British invasion katkari habitation in forest restricted.  Katkari’s livelihood had dependent on forest sources, after imposing ban they reduced to bonded labor gradually. Even today, they live an insignificant life.

  The British had defeated Pune’s last Maratha Empire in 1818, and their sovereignty established over Indian land

  Katkari’s main source of livelihood was to make katha from the tree of Acacia Catechu. Before invasion forestland were open to the people. British’ interest was to rule and exploit the resources so they restricted the people who were dependent on forestland, among those katkari tribe was the worst affected as forest was their main source of livelihood.  In some places, as vatandari, Landlords had owned a chunk of forestland; some took the land on lease and collaborated with British. British imposed taxes on forest resources. Thus, the Katkari had driven out of forest.  Once, the owner and primitive habitat on forestland gradually reduced to the slavery.
   Following Gandhian salt Satyagrah, a forest satyagrah took place at Chirner in 21 September 1930 mobbed about five thousand people at Chirner, Raigad, also known as Chirner Forest Satyagrah.   Numerous satyagrahi martyred, one of the unsung hero belongs to this tribe, was Nagya Mahad Katkari.

                       The post independent katkari is now living in abject poverty.

   According to the constitutional schedules, Katkari classifies as the most primitives scheduled tribe in the country.  They habitats in Raigad (and Thane) district in Maharashtra of western part of India.  The children of Katkari tribes do not go to school for three to four month in a year and migrate with their parents to the brick kiln location in remote places. They leave hamlets and moves to the better places where they can get a petty job or a shelter to earn livelihood.

  During their sojourning, they live on to the places where they face major health challenge, for instance:  pregnant woman’s delivery occurs at the site location, no immunization, no follow up and no care after cure. Suckling’s babies suffer from pneumonia and diarrhea. Water born disease is a common at the location where they settles.  Defecating in open place is most embarrassing act. A temporary makeshift shelter is partially open, exposed to umpteen of infection, such as scabies, malaria, jaundice, and tuberculosis.

 The Planning Commission estimated that a health problem pushes 39 million people into poverty every year in India and of course, the poor people like this tribe prone to host of ailment that pushes them in to depth of poverty.  
  Despite of various benefits, this poor community struggles to survive on their own land.  After 67 years of independence, Katkari remains inconsiderable tribes. The land they live on, do not belong to them. They are sojourner in their own country.
  There is an independent tribal ministry, commissioner and district level integrated tribal development officer to look after and work towards their holistic development. Yet a tangible impact seems aloof a mile.
  Supervision and monitoring their progress is essential to assure proper implementation.   Since most katkari, family is living under extreme poverty line.   For instance, if Sakharam Waghamare entitled for benefits then after ten or twenty year his son will claim the title.  It is common practice among tribes that if a boy marries he settles separately with his bride.
  However, being in poverty continues year after years unceasingly.  To the surprise, government and NGOs also plays lead role to bring the families under below poverty line list.  The goal should be to find solution to family of economic distress and making every effort possible getting them off the charity dependency list and empowering them with responsibility, independence, and dignity.   The annual gradual cut in budget must show the tangible impact among number of Katkari families every year.
  The major problem is seasonal migration. Health, water, education and the most urgent is livelihood, yet no one could check their migration. The episode of living being poor robes their dignity. The programme focuses on to dole out charity and government as well as NGOs assured them that they entitled for subsidizing schemes.

  Every human is born to live with dignity and self-esteem.  In case of Katkari, they need a help to rise from misery to humanity to live with respect and dignity. How long will you keep them under poverty line?  

 Large funds have used for development programme but corruption take a lead that one should not overlook the fact sheet.

                                                        Migration For livelihood
      Migration  leads school dropouts, faces umpteen of health problems, exploitation.

      The land of hamlets where they live do not belongs to them, in own country living as a sojourner?

It is most embarrassing that even after 67 years of independent; the primitive tribe Katkari is landless in their own country.

 Samuel Navkar



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