Clean and Green Ghavare kond village
Cleanliness is next to Godliness, is a very old adage, and millions of people knew that cleanliness and hygiene prevents host of health and social problems but people do not take initiative for what they see around them. Today Government initiated a nation wide campaign to make the India green and clean, in-response to the campaign Ghavarekond proved its unity and integrity to make their village green and clean.
Swades Foundation had stepped into Ghavarekond Jangamwadi in 2007, the first meeting held with villagers and water and sanitation project gave a hamlet a new outlook and hope as the villagers were deprived of the very basic need i.e. water and sanitation. The journey of the change take a lead and integrity and unity among villagers took a turn that they volunteered a step further for Swade’s projects and a collective decision making process amongst villagers boosted their confidence and they pledged towards a ideal village.
After 8 years of first intervention Ghavrekond Jangamwadi is following the values of self sustaining, today the hamlet has tap water, each house hold has toilets, and a perennial kitchen garden, which provides them vegetables throughout the year, every family have cows and some of them have buffalos, the cattle they have today fetch milk, so every day the family saves around 100 Rs that they do not pay for buying milk and vegetables. “I do kitchen gardening and take vegetable”, Venuka Sutar 40 says. “The market is far away and there is no transport facility except private vehicle”. She added.

Swades Foundation, provided with toilets, and water to the family, Nitin Jangam a farmer said. “Our hamlet is now hagandari mukt, no more open defecation” Nitin proudly said. The hamlet look like a mirror and every house wall is well colored and decorated. The surrounding is clean and no street is seen with littered with garbage. “We have participated in nationwide drive for cleanliness and want our hamlet number one in a village.” Jayram Sutar said. we now, have a vision and reason to change and now it is our responsibility to pass the legacy to next generation” Jayram Sutar explains.
Recently Swades Foundation's managing Trustee Zarina Screwvala visited the village and appreciated the villagers for their active democratic engagement for developing the village.
Samuel Navkar