Illiteracy, Ignorance, and Illnesses: The Plight of Katkari Villages in Raigad

I n the remote villages and hamlets inhabited by the Adiwasi communities across Raigad and Konkan region illiteracy, ignorance, and illnesses are rampant. These marginalized populations face a myriad of challenges that perpetuate their cycle of poverty and deprivation. This blog delves into the root causes and consequences of these issues, particularly focusing on the Katkari tribe of Raigad, Maharashtra. Root Causes Illiteracy and Unemployment:Lack of education and job opportunities traps Adiwasis in a vicious cycle of poverty. Ignorance and Superstition:Traditional beliefs and lack of awareness hinder their access to healthcare and other essential services. Exploitation by Outsiders:Adiwasis often fall prey to exploitation by influential individuals and political figures. The Vicious Cycle of Precariousness Exposure to precarious life circumstances is a defining feature of their reality. The unyielding demands of brick kiln work leave them vulnerable to exploit...