Children are future of tomorrow


 Children  are  sensitive  and valuable. They upholds high esteem  in the   family,  irrespective of race, culture, religion and country. The  family is  incomplete without children.  Children enrich family environment and pull together foes and friends alike and  leaving  no room to prejudices. They look innocent and behaves like an angels.   It is regarded that  as one of the three stages that people pass through from birth to adulthood.  A new generation replaces older one  and that passes traits and  legacy  to another generation and  their cycle continues …

Though, being aware of  children's values, their rights often  mocked  off.  Atrocious incidents, child labour,  humiliation and violating  children's  rights  toll high in the country.   We often drum up to supports our rich culture and tradition but neglects the key issue that  children  have humiliated in our  country. We should bear in mind that it is everyone’s responsibility to protect their right.  Child abuse are common in Indian continent. In recent years  girl child rape cases  allegedly reported across  the country.   

Peer and parents always consider the little children least important.  They think that children's   status in family is under the guardianship  of elders. But they  overlooks that  child have an individuality to think and express  oneself  with full liberty.   The freedom of expression  as far as child  concern  never justified  to enjoy the  privilege of  childhood. 

Why children are victimises because  parent do not teach their children what is right and what is wrong. Let me throw a brief light on the issue.  A child’s psychological growth depends on the child’s environment. Environment consist of everything of which child comes in regular or frequent contact. About three and four years old most of children have increasingly aware  of themselves and of other people. They are not only of their own actions but  they have also begun to realise that other people have feelings like their own.

Children begin to form a self-image during the preschool years as they identify with their parents or other family members. A Childs self-image is favourable or unfavourable depending  on the attitudes or emotions of the people  with whom the child identifies.  For example if a children  see  mainly negative qualities in their parents will likely view themselves in a negative light.  Children form a more favourable self-image if they have a better  impression of their parents. When children compare themselves with other children they reinforce or  alter their  basic self-image.
Children's  have to  warned not to Let people, even family members, touch them in a ways that make them feel  uncomfortable. Children  also are to tell a trusted adult if they are sexually abused. Children  must  encouraged to discuss anything that bothers them  with a trustworthy adult.
As we inspect the child abuse and harassment  records that shows  the children do not speak  about the  unjust  inflicted  on them.  They remain silent  until  they succumbs to it. A mixture of  fear and confusion restricts them  from sharing what have happened with him or her, some time parents  hardness also prevents them to keep mum.

 The parents  should speak up with their children freely  to assure them  to feel secure and teach them  to be  aware  of the  unlooked-for dangers around.

A recent BBC  documentary daughter of India has also triggered outrage in parliament, and Rajnath Singh argued the film damaged the image of country.  The news flashed  in all leading print and electronic media  across India.  

There are many more such incidence takes place around large and small-town and villages across  our country. 
As recently, in a small-town like Mahad,  a schoolteacher allegedly molested the girl student and that raised an outrage among parents and villagers.  One more incident took place in the town  that a minor girl kidnapped and later raped allegedly by the culprits.  Though, the legal action launched against the guilty but  more important is an attitudes   that  should have to  change to prevent  such incidents.  

One more unpleasant news reported  from  Karjat, a government run boarding school for adivasi, the children who went on food strike for  not getting the basic benefits in their school.   Thirty-two  adivasi students admitted in hospital  for being without foods and their health  worsens. Children have rights to say, they should be respected. And assured that they are also the part of family or organisation.    

Suicidal case of schoolchildren had also reported in recent past. In some cases School dropout may lead to child labour, understanding children and realising them that they are secure at the hands of their parents, teacher or trusted adults

Every day such incidents happens in our country but we  cannot checks  its increasing  prevalent despite of the law  that designed  to protect the rights of the children. It is everyone's responsibility to protect the rights of children

Children are our future, we should protect their values and rights.

Samuel Navkar


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