
Showing posts from 2017

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Clean and Green Ghavare kond village

     Cleanliness  is next to Godliness, is a very old adage, and millions of people knew that cleanliness and hygiene prevents host of     health and social problems but people do not take   initiative for what they see around them. Today Government initiated   a nation wide campaign to make the India green and clean, in-response to the campaign Ghavarekond proved its unity and integrity to make their village green and clean.          Swades  Foundation had  stepped into Ghavarekond Jangamwadi in 2007, the first meeting held with villagers  and water and sanitation project gave a hamlet a new outlook and hope as the villagers were deprived   of the very basic need i.e. water and sanitation. The journey of the change take a lead and integrity and unity among villagers took a turn that they volunteered a step further for Sw...